I could not find a way to run intel Fortran on MacOS until I discovered Docker’s magic. Other fortran compilers? Meh…

Note: these commands are to be entered in a terminal shell, if you don’t know what a terminal is and how to access it on MacOS, you need to figure that out first

1- Set up the container

  • Install Docker
  • Create a basic intel oneapi fortran image by typing on your shell (will take a few minutes)
    docker pull intel/oneapi-hpckit 

2- Run your first container

 docker run --name firstcontainer -it intel/oneapi-hpckit 

3- Make changes you need to your container (e.g. customize .bash_profile, aliases, etc.. at your pleasure), for example,

apt-get update
apt-get install -y byobu curl git htop man unzip vim wget
apt-get clean     

(since I make use of python I also need to)

pip install tornado
pip install --upgrade matplotlib  

Then, exit the container

4- Create an image with your changes (named “myimage”)

 docker commit firstcontainer myimage

5- Here is how to run a container mounting a local directory to the system

docker run -it --name secondcontainer -v /path/to/directory/to/mount:/root/path/to/somewhere/inside/container myimage  

6- Here is to bash (not really, but good enough) into an existing container

  docker exec -it secondcontainer bash

7- Other useful commands i keep forgetting

  docker container prune

8- Need a debugger? It’s there, only hidden, it took me navigating the whole tree until I found out it’s gdb-oneapi

Note: I recommend starting containers afresh and pruning them frequently. In my experience, things start to act funny after a while.